Give Your Customers a Wonderful Holiday Shopping Experience with a Chatbot in Charge of Your Store

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It’s the second year that we will be celebrating Christmas in a totally different way. Due to COVID-19, instead of feeling the Christmas rush in department stores, we panic over whether or not we will be able to receive our packages in time. Rather than spending hours at grocery lines to buy ingredients, we might just order in for Noche Buena. Since ordering everything online still seems to be the safest and most convenient option, it is only fair that businesses find a way to make customers’ holiday shopping experience a pleasant one. Here’s how having a chatbot for your store can help you keep your customers in a jolly mood:

All-in-One Messaging & E-commerce Channel

What’s the best way to make it easier for your customers to purchase products if not by taking your store to where they can communicate and transact with you at the same time? By having a chatbot on Facebook Messenger where people prefer to go to message businesses, you make your store more accessible to customers and provide them an all-in-one channel where they can inquire about, browse, and pay for products without downloading new apps or going to another website.

Personalized Product Catalog

With a chatbot, conversations take place naturally. This allows you to easily ask customers questions about their interests, preferences, or even get their wishlists so you can provide them a product catalog that shows all the things that they are looking for and make way for a personalized shopping experience. Additionally, a chatbot can display products using carousels which can contain multiple buttons, images, and detailed descriptions to improve user experience.

Enhanced Customer Service

Through natural language processing (NLP), chatbots can understand messages and respond with the right information. First it identifies the intent in each message and matches it with information from its knowledge base then retrieves the correct response. Since a chatbot can automatically answer inquiries and concerns and stays permanently operational, you can provide 24/7, instant customer service even when you’re not online. Your chatbot can also include a live chat feature with a customer support agent for additional assistance.

Meaningful Customer Engagement

A chatbot can collect essential customer information that you can use to tailor content and engage customers effectively. Based on user activity, past purchases, and other data acquired through interactions with your chatbot, you can send customers relevant promos and product recommendations. For example, you can give a discount or offer a surprise gift with their next purchase to a customer who has recently bought an item from your Christmas collection. With a chatbot, there are endless ways to keep your customers interested and engaged.

Christmas comes but once a year… so give your customers the best gift by making sure they have a wonderful experience with your store! Book a bot demo now:

Designing experience since 1998, Alfafusion is a pioneer enterprise chatbot solutions provider in the Philippines.

Call +632-98-999-1576 or send an email to to book a bot demo.

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