Make no mistake about it, mobile apps are the new way to go if you’d like to propel your business to greater heights. With smartphones and tablets making it easier for users to access information anytime, anywhere, developing a mobile app for your business definitely makes it a great idea and one to seriously consider. But, despite its popularity and its ability to pave the way and open doors for your business, one should not be getting into it in haste. Of course, careful planning is needed, and as with any endeavor, one of the ways you can achieve success is by learning from the mistakes of others.
Here are 5 common mistakes to avoid when it comes to treading the tricky path of mobile app development:
1. Failing to make comprehensive considerations in deciding on a platform
As an app developer, one of the most important questions you would have to face is: iOS, Android, or Windows? Many developers fail to realize that the platform on which they will be placing their app is a crucial element in its success. That’s why it is important for you to make a thorough evaluation of each option. Make sure not to leave any stone unturned when deciding on a platform. With the many things you will need to consider, it would be best to come up with every possibility and alternative. For instance, you would need to consider your audience – are you planning to publish your app in numerous countries? Consider what is most popular on a global scale. Though iOS may be the popular one in your country, Android is the one that happens to run the show worldwide. If you fail to make this consideration, among many others, the success of your app could surely suffer.
2. Failing to see the differences between mobile and web
If you think that a mobile app is just like a website, albeit on a smaller scale, then we need to make things clear. The two aren’t one and the same thing. They are fundamentally different, and you’ll need to understand their differences in order to build a successful mobile app. Do not make the mistake of thinking that your app should be able to perform just like how your website does, for not only are they different in size, they are also different in functionality and scope.
Though they are different, it doesn’t mean that one is less valuable than the other. For instance, though the mobile app is smaller, one should not underestimate its value as due to this element, it can be easily accessed, even while one is on the go, and its touch screen features make it more intuitive. On the other hand, accessing the web on one’s desktop or laptop computer, with its own advantages, should make you seriously ponder on and answer why a mobile app is necessary to be built for your business in the first place.
3. Failing to plan on the best path to take regarding monetization
Another important question: How to monetize your app? There are different options, such as offering subscription or going free – but with options for purchase. Or you can also just go with in-app advertising. This would be another element in developing a mobile app that you need to devote a lot of time to research on. One way to help you decide? Check out how other apps – the most successful ones – in your genre are monetizing. Look into what they do or how they do things. Learn from the best.
4. Failing to fiercely market your app
No matter how good you think your app is, it would’t matter if people don’t know about it. Remember, as you launch your mobile app, don’t make the mistake of thinking that your app’s sheer amazingness will be able to make a name for itself, even without any marketing efforts. Uh, in a world of thousands of competitors? We think not! Make sure you have an extensive marketing plan with the help of an SEO expert Philippines if you’d like to build awareness and visibility.
5. Doing the beta test for your app yourself
Even if you can do it yourself, it’s best to have other beta testers for your app. They will be able to help you gain a different perspective that will provide you with very useful and helpful information in developing and improving your app, and in making it as user-friendly as possible. Since you are the developer of the app, it’s difficult to see your own flaws, and an outside perspective is the one that can do the trick in making sure that whatever flaws exist are dealt with, ensuring that your app is indeed ready to be launched to the public.